


Our lab brings together skilled engineers from various disciplines, including Electrical Engineering (EE), Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), Mechanical Engineering (ME), and Biotechnology, to engage in truly interdisciplinary research. We are dedicated to advancing bio-electronic convergence technologies with the goal of making a positive impact on society. Our research integrates cutting-edge hardware technologies, such as advanced materials and device engineering, with sophisticated software solutions, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), to achieve targeted and impactful outcomes. Specifically, our lab is at the forefront of mobile healthcare innovation by incorporating deep learning methodologies, striving to address and overcome challenges within the interdisciplinary field of bioengineering.
"Small Steps, Big Changes” Small efforts and changes can eventually lead to significant transformations. We are committed to researching technologies that make the world a better place.
The ultimate goal of our lab is to develop user-friendly mobile healthcare devices and algorithms that are practical and applicable in real-world settings. We focus on enabling rapid and accurate diagnosis for infectious diseases like COVID-19, chronic conditions such as diabetes, metabolic disorders, and emergencies, especially in underserved and resource-limited medical environments. Our work is dedicated to creating systems that can be freely used in developing countries and regions with low income levels.
"Vision” Be the First Penguin, pioneering forward for student’s challenges This is the vision our laboratory strives for. We support and encourage the "First Penguin" who boldly dives into the water. Our ultimate goal is to develop user-friendly mobile healthcare devices and algorithms that can be practically applied in real-world settings. We aim to achieve rapid and accurate diagnosis for infectious diseases like COVID-19, chronic diseases such as diabetes, metabolic disorders, and in emergency situations and underdeveloped medical environments. We are dedicated to developing systems that can be freely used in developing countries and low-income regions.


2024/07 Lab Outing (July 09, 2024)
실험실 멤버들이 함께 lab outing 시간을 가졌습니다.
서울에 이런곳이 있는줄 몰랐네요.
행운의 사다리 타기 복권은 박정수 학생이 당첨되었습니다 (2인식사권 제공: 협찬: 이정훈교수)
May 17, 2024: Congratulations to Naeun Lee on successfully defending her PhD!
“Biological Sample Enrichment using Nano-Hybrid Membrane for Advanced Molecular Diagnostics”의 제목으로 Ph.D. thesis를 제출했고, 연구결과를 잘 마무리했네요. 축하해요!
May 9, 2024: Presented at the tutorial session during the Spring Conference of KOSOMBE.
딥러닝 및 POCT 기초
모바일 헬스케어의 딥러닝 적용 기술 적용 예시
관련해서 우효원, 박정수 학생이 조교로 같이 실습에 참여해 주었어요. :-)
April 2024: Our lab's PhD student, Seungmin Lee, has been proudly selected as the first recipient of the Presidential Science Scholarship.
March 2024: Dr. Dohwan Lee, a former member of our lab, has been appointed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Kwangwoon University.
March 2024: Our paper has been published in Nature Communications.  
“Bioengineered amyloid peptide for rapid screening of inhibitors against main protease of SARS-CoV-2" Nat Commun 15, 2108 (2024)”
이동택박사님, 정효기 학생이 연구한 연구결과가 네이쳐 커뮤니케이션에 출판되었습니다.
나노입자를 통해 코로나와 같은 질환의 약물을 스크리닝 하는 모델입니다.
February 2024: Our paper has been published in Analytical Chemistry.
“Enhancing Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification through Nonpowered Nanoelectric Preconcentration” Anal. Chem. 2024, 96, 9, 3844–3852.
이나은 학생이 연구한 결과가 Anal Chem에 출판되었습니다.
나노일렉트로닉 농축 시스템을 통해 현장에서의 분자진단이 가능하게 한 결과입니다.
Enhancing Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification through Nonpowered Nanoelectric Preconcentration
The global threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic has catalyzed the development of point-of-care (POC) molecular diagnostics. While loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) stands out as a promising technique among FDA-approved methods, it is occasionally susceptible to a high risk of false positives due to nonspecific amplification of a primer dimer. In this work, we report an enhancing LAMP technique in terms of assay sensitivity and reliability through streamlined integration with a nonpowered nanoelectric preconcentration (NPP). The NPP, serving as a sample preparation tool, enriched the virus concentration in samples prior to the subsequent LAMP assay. This enrichment enabled not only to achieve more sensitive assay but also to shorten the assay time for all tested clinical samples by ∼10 min compared to the conventional LAMP. The shortened assay time suppresses the occurrence of nonspecific amplification by not providing the necessary incubation time, effectively suppressing misidentification by false positives. Utilizing this technique, we also developed a prototype of the POC NPP-LAMP kit. This kit offers a streamlined diagnostic process for nontrained individuals, from the sample enrichment, transfer of the enriched sample to LAMP assays, which facilitates on-site/on-demand diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2. This development holds the potential to contribute toward preventing not only the current outbreak but also future occurrences of pandemic viruses.
February 2024: Our paper has been published in Nature Communications.
“Rapid Deep Learning-Assisted Predictive Diagnostics for Point-of-Care Testing” Nature Communications (2024)15:1695
이승민, 박정수, 우효원 학생이 연구한 결과가 네이쳐 커뮤니케이션에 출판되었습니다.
의의: 완전 새로운 시계열 딥러닝 학습을 통해 수시간이 걸리는 진단을 1~2분만에 끝낼수 있는 획기적인 기술입니다.
January 2024: Congratulations to Juhwan and Yeonjeong on starting their Master’s program!
/2023년 학부연구생을 각각 6개월정도 진행하였고, 그 후 석사과정으로 주환학생과 연정학생이 입학하였습니다.
2024년 1학기부터 석사과정을 시작합니다.
July 2023: Technology transfer of 1.5 billion KRW (BEETLES)
2023-07-31 하이브리드세포막을 이용한 비틀즈 기술이 기술이전 되었어요. 기술이전 액수는 15억원입니다. 우리 실험실에서 개발한 세포막을 이용한 샘플 전처리 시스템 (BEETLES^2)의 특허가 (주)켈스에 총 15억의 금액으로 기술이전되었습니다.
단일 특허 이전액으로는 실험실 자체 최대 금액입니다. 기반이 되는 기술은 Nature Communications| (2023)14:1520이며, 두건의 특허를 포함한 기술이 이전되었습니다.
의의: 본 특허는 면역진단있어서 민감도를 크게 향상시키는 기술로서, 실제 전처리 기술만으로 PCR등의 분자진단 민감도를 확보했다는데 그 의의가 있습니다. 또한 면역진단에 국한된것이 아닌, 분자진단의 전처리로서도 그 가능성이 매우 크며, 아주 새로운 고성능 전처리 시스템(농축/필터)의 영역의 가능성을 입증하였습니다.
May 2023: Lab alumni gathering
졸업생들의 사회생활을 응원합니다!
이경재 학생은 FuriosaAI로 자리를 옮겼네요. AI GPU 만드는 유망업체라고 하네요.
April 2023: Our paper has been published in Nature Communications.
“Sample-to-answer Platform for the Clinical Evaluation of COVID-19 using a Deep Learning-assisted Smartphone-based Assay,” Nature Communications (2023)14: 2361
이승민, 김선목 학생과 여러 친구들이 함께 연구한 결과가 네이쳐 커뮤니케이션에 출판되었습니다.
의의: 딥러닝 알고리즘을 통해 처음으로 스마프폰의 기종, 래피드키트 종류, 조명, 환경에 영향을 받지 않고 현장진단이 가능한 최조의 결과를 보고하였습니다.
March 2023: Our paper has been published in Nature Communications.
"PCR-like Performance of Rapid Test with Permselective Tunable Nanotrap," Nature Communications(2023)14:1520
박성준, 이승민, 이동택 박사가 주도적으로 연구를 시행하였습니다.
의의: 현장진단 및 분자진단에 있어서 PCR과 같은 증폭없이 나노하이브리드 비틀즈 멤브레인만을 통해 빠르고 효율적으로 농축가능하며, 이를 통해 민감도를 혁신적으로 올릴수 있는 소자 및 시스템을 개발하였다는데 큰 의의가 있습니다.
January 2023: A gathering of UROP students and lab members.
November 2022: Smartphone AI technology has been transferred.
스마트폰을 활용한 AI기술의 기술이전이 완료되었습니다.
기술이전 금액은 1.2억입니다. 추가 최적화를 통해 상용화 예정입니다.
June 2022: Our COVID-19 diagnostics research has been published in Biosensors and Bioelectronics (BSBE).
Nanoelectrokinetic-assisted lateral flow assay for COVID-19 antibody test
November 2021: CALTH Inc. was listed on the KONEX.
공동창업 기업인 (주)켈스 CALTH Inc. 가 코넥스 시장에 상장하였습니다.
코넥스시장은 코스피, 코스닥과 함께 제3의 거래시장입니다. 코넥스를 발판삼아 코스닥 상장을 도전합니다!
2008 by mobile health & sensor lab (mHealthLab)